When not on holiday ...

My research takes an interdisciplinary approach to education, social justice and human flourishing. I engage with contemporary theories across these domains, looking towards shaping a concept of 'sanctuary for social wellbeing'. I currently hold two Research Fellowships; UKRI Policy Fellowship hosted by the Centre for Homelessness Impact and the College of Policing (What Works Centres) (2024-26), and a British Academy Innovation Fellowship (2023-24).
I am the Institutional Research Culture Lead at the University of Roehampton. Since receiving my PhD (2017) I have been involved in over £1.2M of grant capture (2020-23), from 9 different awarding bodies, where 14 of 18 submissions I have led as Principal Investigator. I'm interested in exploratory research designs and knowledge exchange projects which focus on intervention development and evidencing.
Prior to academia, I worked in the corporate sector, and I use these skills to foster knowledge exchange partnerships and enrich the research culture involvement of higher education institutions across third sector organisations, small to medium enterprises, local councils and advocacy groups.
My core interests are in devising creative and novel approaches to address challenges faced by marginalised or high risk vulnerable groups in society such as the homeless, women and girls who are victims of domestic abuse and violence, looked after children, prisoners and high risk youth (suicide prevention).
In 2022 I obtained the status of Full Accredited Researcher (Secure Research Service) from the Office for National Statistics. In 2020, I was shortlisted out of 450 members of teaching staff across the university for the Academic Lecturer of the Year award by the Roehampton Students' Union (RSU).

Professional Affiliations
HEA (Fellow)
Higher Education Academy
SRHE (Member)
Society for Research into Higher Education
BERA (Member)
British Educational Researcher Association
UKLA (Member)
UK Literary Association
PESA (Member)
Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia
PESGB (Member)
Philosophy of Education Society
of Great Britain
AARE (Member)
Australian Association of Research in Education
Comprehensive Future
Elected Steering Committee Member

Programme Director
Diversifying Leadership Programme
Advance HE, 2021-present
Advisory Board Member
Research External Advisory Group
Advance HE, 2024-25
Chair of Research Integrity and Ethics Committee
Appointment Vice Chancellor's Office
University of Roehampton, 2023-26
Elected Member University Senate
Academic Staff
University of Roehampton, 2021-2024
BERA Engagement Committee Member
BERA, 2021- present
Modern Slavery Peer Review College
Modern Slavery & Human Rights, Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC)
PEC, 2022- present
Co-Production Working Group Member
National Academy for Social Prescribing
2022- present
Expert Advisor, COVID-19
Science Media Centre, 2022- present
SeNSS Strategic Thought Group
Representative for UoR, South East Asian Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS)
BERA SIG Convenor
Comparative and International Education
BERA, 2021- present
Student Success Coordinator
School of Education
University of Roehampton, 2020-present
Head of Year 1 & 2
School of Education
University of Roehampton, 2018-2020

Awards & Accrediation
Hestia Modern Slavery Training
Certificate of Completion, 2023
Full Accredited Research, Secure Research Service
Office for National Statistics, 2022- present
Academic Lecturer Award
Roehampton Students' Union, Shortlisted, 2020
Diversifying Leadership Award
Advance HE, 2020
External Examiner Certification
Advance HE, 2020
Finalist: Best Paper Award
Australian Educational Researcher, 2015
Outstanding Conference Presentation
European Union Centres
RMIT University, 2014
Best Conference
Presentation Award
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Hong Kong, 2013